मंगलवार, 31 जुलाई 2012


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सोमवार, 30 जुलाई 2012


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रविवार, 29 जुलाई 2012


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शनिवार, 28 जुलाई 2012


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5 Reasons Why YOU Should Be Cloaking Affiliate Links

Becoming a top affiliate marketer is hard, especially when you've got endless competition snooping in on your methods. The affiliate marketing industry is tough, and without guarding your secrets it's easy to see them spill out for everyone to apply, mastermind, and earn from. There's nothing more disappointing than seeing your hard work pay out for someone else, which is why it's absolutely essential to clock all of your affiliate links.

While cloaking sounds like an ultra-difficult procedure, it's really pretty simple. By using some intuitive link-cloaking software, you can have all your affiliate links pointing right at their targets, without your buyers even knowing. If you're still not sold on link cloaking, these five reasons should have you begging for a simple cloaking solution.

1. Cautious buyers can smell an affiliate link from miles away.
It's true. We've read so many blogs, seen so many recommendation pages, and viewed so many 'review' websites that we've become cautious of affiliate links. It's just the nature of recommendations; while some people trust personal recommendations, others back away from a sale when it looks like a paid commission. With link cloaking, every one of your affiliate links is disguised, so buyers won't be worrying about buying from a commission-generating source.

2. Affiliate managers love to steal commission data.
Data theft is a sad truth of the affiliate world. As helpful as most affiliate managers are, there are always bad apples who scrub sales, steal data, and milk your campaigns for their own commissions. Affiliate networks need to know that you're not sending fraudulent traffic, but they don't need to know exactly where your traffic is coming from. Link cloaking can help you avoid the potential theft of your traffic sources, and minimize the chances of your commissions going missing.

3. Without cloaking, hackers can steal affiliate information.
Did you know that there are pop-ups out there designed to do nothing other than detect affiliate links and substitute one account number for another? That way, whenever a sale is made, you're not getting credit. Instead, the commission credit goes to a hacker, who carefully planted adware on a user's computer. Since cloaking takes your affiliate link out of the URL bar, hackers can't access the data, and automated scripts like this are powerless when it comes to stealing your commissions.

4. Cloaking is essential for good affiliate monitoring.
You are tracking your data, aren't you? If you're using self-hosted tracking software such as 202, you need to be cloaking your links too. Whether you're running traffic through a landing page or directly to the affiliate page, setting up tracking alongside your cloaking makes it easier to monitor user behavior, track conversion rates and EPC data, and split test different types of linking and landing pages.

5. Cloaking can help with SEO.
We've all experienced Google's recent crackdown on affiliate products. When your pages are indexed, any affiliate links could be hurting your ranking. It's a little unfair, that's for sure, but it's the rules that we've got to play by. By cloaking your links, search engines are powerless to detect any affiliate products, and you could end up getting a better ranking, or for PPC users, a better quality score.

To learn more about link cloaking, c


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Mastering photoshop shapes in 3 easy steps

Photoshop shapes can add a whole new dimension to your digital designs. They're not difficult to use, and it's well worth the effort to master them. Photoshop gives its users access to these shapes directly from the Tools palette: Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line and Custom.

Once you've chosen a shape, you don't need to go back to the Tools palette to change it to another shape; just select a new one from your Tool Options bar.

Inside the Tool Options bar, you will also find three options for your shapes, as described below:

1- The "Fill Pixels" option fills your shape with the foreground color (the top color square in your Tools bar).

2- The "Paths" option lets you create a shaped path to work with.

3- The "Shape Layers" option makes a new vector shape layer which, when selected, allows you to create shapes using "Styles" from the Style palette.

Your "Custom Shape Picker" offers a collection of shapes you can load. To find it, click on the "Custom" shape.

You can get pretty fancy with this option by combining shapes with your Style palette. Try adding a custom filled shape to an image, then clicking on that layer to bring up the Style palette. You can then blend to your heart's content, using the precise layer blending modes inside the Style box, and changing the opacity of the fill.

To create your own shapes, first open a new blank file. Click on the "Pen" tool icon inside your Tool bar, then click the "Paths" option. To draw a line for your shape, simply click, then click again at a different point. To make a curvy line, click, then drag to the second point.

You can edit your new shape inside your "Direct Selection" tool, by first clicking on the form to see all the stopping points, or "nodes." Drag them around to change and perfect your custom shape.

If you need to move the nodes individually, choose the "Convert Point" tool from your Tools palette, then drag on a handle. This separates the connection.

To save your new shape so you can use it again, choose the "Direct Selection" tool, then Edit > Define Custom Shape. A thumbnail will appear. You can type in the name of your custom shape and then save by clicking OK.

You can use any of your shapes, custom or preset, to make cutouts of your photos. Just choose the shape, then the "Paths" option and draw out the path. Click the "Load Path as Selection icon" at the bottom of the Paths palette; this transforms the path into a selection. Click on Select > Inverse to invert the selection, then on Delete. This cuts the selection out of the image just like a cookie cutter.

Photoshops shapes are great for making outstanding collages and web designs. You'll find many other entertaining and practical uses for them too, but a word of warning here: once you get started on Photoshop shapes, you'll be hooked for life.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop With My 2 Hour Easy To Use Photoshop Tutorials.

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Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Increase Your Metabolism And Decrease Your Appetite With This Fat-Burning Food Group

There have been countless studies performed on the role of protein in the muscle growth process to try and determine exactly how much protein you should consume to build muscle mass. Recently, several studies have looked at the role that dietary protein plays in helping you lose fat, and more importantly, helping you keep it off!

One thing scientists have discovered is that eating lean protein foods is important for regulating body composition because it decreases your appetite.

In a 2003 study reported in the journal, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition And Metabolic Care (2003; 6(6): 635-638), protein was shown to be more satiating (made you feel fuller) than both carbohydrate and fat both in the short term and the long term.

Eating more lean protein foods has also been proven as an effective strategy to help you burn fat and keep it off because of something called, "dietary thermogenesis" (also known as the thermic effect of food).

In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2005 (93(2): 281-289), researchers followed a group of 113 overweight subjects after 4 weeks of a very low calorie diet, through a 6 month period of weight maintenance. The subjects were divided into a protein group or a control group. The protein group was simply given an extra 30 grams of protein per day on top of their usual diet.

The researchers found that during weight maintenance, the group with the higher protein intake was less likely to regain the lost weight, and any weight gain in the protein group was lean tissue and not fat. The results were attributed to higher thermic effect and a decrease in appetite.

Although calories will always be the bottom line when it comes to fat loss, studies such as these are confirming what bodybuilders have known for a long time: That calories are not the only factor that can influence your body composition. Your protein intake and your ratios of protein relative to carbohydrate and fat can clearly play a key role in helping you lose fat and keep the fat off.

None of this is news to bodybuilders or to anyone who is already familiar with bodybuilding-style nutrition programs such as Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. But it's interesting that such positive results were achieved in studies where protein was increased so conservatively – as little as 30 additional grams of protein per day or a 20% increase above traditional protein recommendations.

Many bodybuilding-style diets (such as Burn The Fat and Body For Life) call for as much as 30%-40% of the total daily calories from protein and some competitive bodybuilders crank up the protein (temporarily) to as much as 50% before competitions.

I'm curious to see if any research is ever conducted with these more aggressive protein intakes. If so, my guess is that we will find once again, that the bodybuilders are ahead of the science when it comes to the manipulation of diet for improving body composition.

The take home lesson is simple: If you remove some carbs and put in some protein – nothing too radical; even as little as trading 30 grams per day of carbs for 30 grams of lean protein – this small change in your diet may decrease your appetite, decrease your body fat and help you keep the fat off after you lose it.

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Lean Body Fitness Secrets Ezine – Outdoor workouts, mangoes, etc???

Just a quick couple of tips today to help get you started on your beach body.

If you're tired of always working out in a stuffy old gym, why not take some of your workouts outdoors? Your workouts also don't have to be long drawn-out 2-hour events in order to get a great metabolism boosting, muscle sculpting workout.

Here's an idea for an outdoor workout that literally takes me 10-15 minutes, but has me drenched in sweat and pumped up by the end…

There's a little playground and a softball field at the end of my road. So on a nice day, if I decide I just want to get a real quick outdoor workout in, I run over to the field, spend a couple minutes limbering up, and then… depending on how I feel, do about 10-15 minutes of the following exercises with almost no rest in between:

Sometimes I'll rotate through all of these exercises and sometimes I'll just pick a couple of them and just keep alternating. Whatever I choose, I keep the intensity as high as I can to really maximize the time that I'm out there. Believe me, if you do this at a high speed clip, you'll get a killer workout in as little as 10-15 minutes, and then you can get back home and get on with your life.

Even if you're not in super shape right now, you can just take it at a little lower intensity to ease yourself into it. It's worth it! Working out in the outdoors and breathing in the fresh air definitely has a stimulating effect, and some studies I've seen have indicated that you possibly burn more calories exercising outdoors compared to indoors. So give it a try!

I've just recently teamed up with world famous strength coach Ryan Lee to bring you an excellent workout program for really busy people. These programs were actually recently featured in Men's Fitness Magazine. Check out Busy Man Fitness .com for more info.

"I Need My Mangoes!"

Do you happen to know what character made that quote from a certain 90′s sitcom? He's my favorite sitcom character of all time! That's right…my man Cosmo Kramer.

Alright, why am I talking about mangoes? Yellow or "champagne" mangoes, that is… and they are the tastiest things I've found in years!

The only reason I mentioned yellow mangoes in this email is just to let you know about these healthy delicious little treasures that I've discovered. I don't know if they are available in your local grocery stores or organic markets, but I've found them at several stores near me, and these things rock big time!

Yellow mangoes are smaller than normal mangoes, easier to peel and eat, sweeter than normal mangoes, and chock full of nutrition! The yellow mangoes that I've seen all seem to come from Mexico, and I only see them available usually between April and June, so I'm assuming that's when they are in season in Mexico.

If you can find them in your local stores, give them a try… they are definitely my new favorite fruit!

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Plus Size Bras

Looking for the perfect bra is difficult for all women. Because each and every woman is different, each with a unique size and shape, finding the right bra is a big, big task. Finding the perfect bra is much more difficult if you are overweight. Plus size bra should both be supportive and comfortable, and should not be restrictive and unflattering.

Plus size women nowadays are lucky because the market is full of plus size bra promising to provide support and comfort in the chest area. And these plus size bra even comes in pretty designs and yummy colors! In the past plus size bra looks generic, made of durable, functional stuff like cotton, and plus size women do not particularly find shopping for underwear an enjoyable experience. But nowadays, just look around the mall and you will find plus size bras with beautiful laces and intricate designs that look very sexy and very pretty.

Sexy plus size bras are very popular right now. Women reward themselves with pretty undergarments to make them feel better. Having a rough day at the office? That's nothing a feminine lacy plus size bra in silk, lace, or satin with under wires cannot take away.

There is a new generation of plus size bra out there so unlike the drab, boring plus size bras of the yesteryears that were made only to serve its function. These pretty sexy bras of today can range from sports bras to sexy, lingerie-type of bra, to everyday-wear bra. Sexy bra are usually lacy and can be considered peek a boo bra. Some opt to choose bra made from lycra, which is very comfortable because of its stretchiness. There are plus size bra that hug the full form of the woman's breast, and there are those that are shaped like a half-cup, designed to show the topmost portion of the breast. These sexy plus size bra are available all over, and plus size women buy these because they can be very sexy. However, there is that tiny danger "showing too much" when plus size women wear demi-cups.

Plus size bra can be made of various materials – satin, cotton, lycra, lace or silk. They may have under wires and pads or may have criss-crossing straps at the back. Some are non-padded, and some are strapless. Some enhance the form of the woman's breast and some try to downplay very full breasts – these special bras are called minimizers and they tend to be more expensive than regular bra. There are also special bra called maximizers, which as the name implies, help women enhance their gifts. Plus size women normally do not go for maximizers and since more often than not, plus size women are gifted with beautiful, full breasts. Most women opt to buy regular plus size bra that is pleasing to the eyes, comfortable, and non-restrictive.

Wearing the right bra can do wonders for a person's figure. It will make the woman feel good about herself, feel comfortable and confident, and will subsequently help improve her posture. Wearing sexy designs in a somewhat seductive material like silk will undoubtedly help a woman feel better about herself.

Plus size bra is perfect for pregnant women. During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge and the woman's old bra may not fit, or may feel too restrictive. During this delicate, special period, pregnant women may opt to discard their old bras and wear plus size bra that fits just right. There are a lot of plus size bra made specifically for mothers. These are called nursing bras and are designed to help the new mothers in breastfeeding their babies. These plus size bra are very comfortable and give incredible support, and some designs can be very pretty also. Easy snaps are built-in for hassle uncomfortable. Usually, the material used are cotton and lycra which both give excellent gentle support to the new mother as she journeys into the path called motherhood.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Tennis Elbow – Are You At Risk?

Tennis elbow affects people who are in the age group of 35-65 years, usually associated with a pain on the outside of the elbow, tennis elbow as the name might suggest, does not affect only tennis players, in fact 95% of all reported cases in the Unites States alone are not reported by tennis players. A better understanding of the various groups of people more susceptible to tennis elbow actually aids faster diagnosis, and there is a high probability that such people might not know they are part of the high risk category, affected people usually ignore tennis elbow symptoms till it becomes a chronic problem.

Based on the occupation/sports that a person is engaged in there are two major group of people that are susceptible to tennis elbow:

People engaged in Manual Labour

There is a strong co-relation between the type of activity a person engages in and tennis elbow, since manual labour involves lifting of heavy weights, or involves more than normal stress on the writs, arm and elbow, people like labourers, carpenters, plumbers are usually a high risk category for tennis elbow. In addition tasks that involve long durations of wrist and elbow movement like painting also can lead to tennis elbow.

Apart from manual labourers, there are also weight lifters that are a part of this high risk category, especially professional weight lifters that have been lifting weights since a very young age, make themselves susceptible to tennis elbow.


Tennis elbow is called so because, tennis players were one of the first group of people who reported the problem, this does not mean that only tennis players are afflicted by tennis elbow, however people who are engaged in racquet sports like badminton are also equally susceptible to tennis elbow. Athletes like golfers and those competing in more weight oriented sports like the shot put and the discuss throw have also been known to be affected by tennis elbow.

Essentially athletes that are susceptible to wear and tear of the forearm, and elbow. Or those that require extensive wrist movement are susceptible to tennis elbow.

Since certain activities are more likely to affect a particular part of the elbow or arm, the symptoms experienced by people suffering from tennis elbow also vary, where as pain on the outside of the elbow is a common symptom other than that the, symptoms can vary from shooting pain in the forearm, to pain while lifting weights or pain during simple activities like using a wrench.

Depending on the particular tendon group that is damaged and other deciding factors, differential diagnosis of tennis elbow is divided into categories like anconeus compartment syndrome, bursitis, cervical radiculopathy, radio-humeral joint dysfunction, lateral epicondyle avulsion, musculocutaneus nerve entrapment, non-union of radial neck fracture, osteoarthritis, posterior interosseous syndrome, posterolateral rotatory instability, radial nerve tension, radial tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, strained lateral collateral ligaments and snapping plicae syndrome

The only thing to remember is that tennis elbow is curable and when diagnosed on time, the time taken to recover is less.

Be sure to check out my tennis elbow system when you are ready to cure tennis elbow from the comfort of home without any special exercise equipment.

For More Information Click Here

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Scar Removal Cream

What do you look for in a scar removal cream? A laundry list of confusing and scary looking ingredients? Natural products? Acids? Moisturizers? The truth is, most people have no idea what's in many designer scar removal creams. These creams are often very expensive and claim to offer dramatic results. Unfortunately, they usually don't deliver and leave you disappointed with a big hole in your wallet. When choosing your scar removal cream, always be cautious of claims about the results and be wary of certain ingredients. Many times these creams are just expensive cocktails of common moisturizers and other gimmicks that you can get elsewhere for half the price.The Scar Solution

Most scar removal creams are either moisturizers or exfoliates. Exfoliates are used to remove the outer layers of the skin which will hopefully heal and rebuild smoother than before. Moisturizers are meant to soften the skin and hopefully break up collagen. The problem is that your average scar removal cream doesn't contain many active ingredients or in enough quantities to do anything. Many creams, like Mederma, rely on ingredients like onion bulb extract, which is not medically proven in any way. There have been no human trials showing that onion extract improves scarring at all. The only effective test was done on a rabbits ear. You'll find many ingredients with similar cases.

Other scar removal creams may give you a big list of fancy looking ingredients which really do nothing but moisturize the skin. If you wanted to moisturize, you could've just bought some lotion. They usually also add the most common gimmick ingredients like Vitamin E, which studies show, does not help to improve scarring. Vitamin E has been tested over and over and has not been shown as an effective scar treatment product. In many trials, it actually worsened scarring in a large portion of testers due to skin irritation called contact dermatitis. In general, you need to be very careful when deciding to spend your hard earned money on a scar removal cream.

A better option in many cases is natural scar removal. This basically involves creating your own scar removal cream using a combination of scientifically proven natural products. You'll spend a lot less money and almost always get much better results. There are only a handful of proven products out there, but they do exist. When combined with some simple scar removal techniques, you can achieve very noticeable results in just a few weeks. With a little persistence, many scars can be faded almost completely. As with anything, you'll need to devote some time and energy to your treatment program if you want to get the best results. However, if you really want to get rid of your scars, it's likely your best option short of an invasive and dangerous surgical procedure.

So if you're shopping around for a miracle scar removal cream, think twice. Give natural scar treatment a try. It's safer, more cost effective, and can often give you the results that you desire.

For more information on effective scar removal cream alternatives, check out The Scar Solution.  It's the most effective scar removal product currently available.  It's all natural and results are guaranteed!

For More Information Click Here

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The Diet That Works, Great Lessons from Caveman

Diet Solution ProgramWhat is one thing cavemen knew much better than we know now? How to survive in the wild? Yes. But more importantly, they knew how to survive in the healthiest way possible. There were no diet programs in those days nor were there shelves full of diet books. What cavemen knew instinctively was exactly what the best diet that works for them.Let's all take a quick lesson from our ancestors and see which elements of their diet are tips we can begin to incorporate right way to lose unwanted body fat and improve our health.
  1. Cavemen only ate what they could kill or find in the wild. By no means am I suggesting you begin to kill and hunt for your own food (we do have grocery stores now a days, thank goodness) but we still would benefit greatly by following this method in our own 21st century kind of way. If the food on your plate is not something your fellow caveman friend could have hunted, gathered and found himself, chances are you shouldn't be eating that food. For example, a plate of lean hamburger and vegetables, followed by fresh fruit is perfect (for you and your new friend) but add a piece of bread or some pasta and now you have confused your fellow cave friend. These are not foods that existed during those times and are foods we are much healthier without.
  2. Cavemen only drank what they could find. Do you know what people have been able to find for centuries? That's right, good old fashioned H2O (water that is). Water is truly the magic potion to weight loss and increased health. Unfortunately a great majority of people are walking around severely dehydrated and suffering from many negative side effects which could all be easily resolved by drinking more water. Hunger, headaches, constipation, and digestive discomfort are just a few of the many symptoms that can easily be resolved by a few cups of water. Make sure to drink half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (i.e. 200 lbs should drink 100 ounces).
  3. Cavemen stayed active for a majority of their day. I know this isn't exactly part of their Best Diet but it is an essential and integral part of fat loss and optimized health. Tell your new caveman friend that he has to sit in an office chair all day and then go home and sit on the couch for the rest of the night and he will look at you like you are crazy (not that he doesn't already think you are crazy but this would make matters worse). Move, move, move. Movement doesn't always mean formal exercise. Take the stairs to your office, walk the parking lot a few extra times, get up and walk around the office a minimum of once per hour, anything to prevent you from sitting all day long. Today if modern man even tried to keep up with the daily activity and regimen of a caveman, they would quickly fall over in exhaustion.

The Best Diet and the Best Lifestyle plan can be easily established by just modeling the daily activities and food choices of cavemen. Use this question today to establish your own caveman habits "Is this food or drink something I could have found in the wild thousands of years ago?" If the answer is no, don't eat it and find yourself a food that is more natural. Of course, don't forget to share with your new caveman friend!

To get started on your own Healthy Meal Plans right away, download your FREE FAT LOSS Report

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

What Is Tinnitus?

Do you suddenly get up in the middle of the night hearing strange noises? Yes it can definitely be frightening, more so when you cannot find the source. Now consider for a moment that these sounds are coming from within you. Most people would be stunned to know that. Many of us do not even know that our internal organs can make sounds.

Let us try to see whether you actually heard these noises or not, and if you did, where did they come from. Now before anything, let us get this straight – yes, you actually heard those noises. No, they are not a result of a creative mind that imagined things in slumber. But having said that, it is also true that there is indeed no source of the sounds you heard. So what is it? Confused?
This is a classic case of tinnitus.

What is tinnitus?

What you experienced last night (or did you just get up from sleep and switch on the computer) is a classic case of tinnitus. This is a medical condition wherein a person hears all kinds of strange clicking, ringing, buzzing, whistling or hissing sounds within the ear. What's so worrisome about this condition for a lot of people is that, there's actually no physical source of these sounds. What makes it even worse is that, no one else seems to hear them. Frankly, these people cannot be really blamed. Naturally, if you cannot see where the sound is coming from, and if you keep hearing it, you are bound to get worried.

In tinnitus, the sounds a person hears are actually perceptions. Since there's no actual source, they are often referred to as "phantom noises". Will it help you if you knew that about 8% of all people in the US suffer from tinnitus? Perhaps not, but at least now you know that you are not alone who hears these strange noises.

What Causes These Noises?

Of course you will want to know why you are hearing these noises. But even before you find this out, you should know that tinnitus is actually not a disease. It is actually a symptom of a problem that is rooted deep, somewhere within your body.

The problem could be a simple one like an infection in the ear, or even simpler, such as ear wax. Just clear the wax and get the infection treated, and the noises could go away. In some people, it could even be the result of a side-effect of a drug they took. Or it could be more complicated.

Some people will have tinnitus because their Cochlea is damaged. And in a few, it could be caused due to hearing loss. But of course, the most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. The noise can be a sudden burst, or it could be a constant banging that hits the ear drum and travels inside. If they are abusing their ears by making it a point to stay close to such a racket, they will definitely have to pay a price. What's this price – it is tinnitus.

Of course, the noises of tinnitus are not heard only during the night. You could hear them during the day too. But it definitely seems to become worse in the night. In a few people, the noises come and go as they please. And there are others who hear them all the time.

Treating Tinnitus

It is almost impossible to live with tinnitus but you don't have to. If you are hearing the noises, whether all the time or intermittently, you must seek treatment immediately. But sadly, conventional treatments only treat the symptoms of tinnitus and may provide temporary relief at best. Sure enough, the sounds are going to come back.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

For More Information Click Here

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Why Is Conventional Medicine So Bad At Treating Back Pain?

Back pain treatment is a hotly debated topic. Every week you can read a least one research study that claims a popular, conventional treatment is ineffective. Even the most established treatments such as physical therapy do not escape the headlines. Only recently researchers at Warwick University (UK) found that one session just offering advice to back pain sufferers achieved the same results as six weeks of physiotherapy!

Of course, conducting such a large study is difficult as there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. What sort of treatment was given? What was the quality and experience of the therapists used? Did the subject all have the same cause of back pain? Did they carry out the exercises or advice as instructed?

This last question is the big one in my view. All courses of back pain treatment usually involve some sort of exercise or instruction on how to sit, stand or move to reduce the stress on the back. But are we capable of following this advice? Most therapists in conventional medicine make the assumption that we can.

However, if back pain is not due to a specific medical condition is it usually a muscular problem. The human body is perfectly capable of supporting itself with minimal muscular effort. Postural muscles are 'designed' to provide long periods of sustained activity to keep us upright and balanced. The phasic muscles (or movement muscles) are for short bursts of activity such as lifting your arm or turning your head. This is a bit of a simplification because all muscles provide a mixture of both functions but it will do for this example.
In my opinion, back pain and other muscular-skeletal problems can occur when we 'misuse' our body, or in other words use the wrong muscles to sit, stand and move. If we're not moving correctly I our daily activities we're going to do the same when trying to perform corrective exercises.

I see many people who tighten their lower back muscles to sit and stand up straight – these are the wrong muscles! They should not be active to keep you upright, this should be a function performed by muscles higher up that will balance your upper body on your spine.

So if someone suffering with their back is not 'using' themselves correctly how are they suddenly supposed to know how to use it right for exercising or trying to correct their posture? This is why I believe conventional back pain treatment does not offer the best solution.

Physical therapy, osteopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments do get results and I recommend people to get a diagnosis and initial help from a qualified practitioner. In the short-term, manipulative treatment will help to get you moving and back onto your feet. However, I do not see these therapies as a long-term solution because they rarely get to the cause of 'misuse' and you could find yourself returning to your therapist on a regular basis.

If you are looking to address the cause of neck, back or shoulder pain you'll need to go deeper. Your muscles are only doing what you tell them to do, but, and here is the big question, do you know what you are telling them to do? In place of exercise I believe a course of re-education will achieve far more by removing your bad habits that are causing your discomfort.

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

For More Information Click Here

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Wintertime Income for Landscape Contractors

Landscaping is a job with many benefits. 2 of the biggest benefits are making a lot of money during the summer months and being able to work outdoors. Although there is a lot of money to be made during the summer, for many landscapers the money virtually stops flowing during the winter months. This means landscape contractors have to find other ways of making money. Here are some ideas for winter time income for landscape contractors.

There are a few different ways landscape contractors can make money during the offseason. One of the best ways is by installing Christmas lights for people. This can be done for both residents and businesses. It actually fits right in with a landscaping business because the landscape contractor can use the same work crews and already has a large client base to market to.

Believe it or not, installing Christmas lights is very profitable. There are a lot of people who love to have their home or business decorated for the holidays but they don't have the time, the will or the skill needed to do it well. These are people who are more than willing to pay to have their Christmas lights installed for them. They're also people who hire a landscaper to get their lawn done. And that's why installing Christmas lights is the perfect add-on service for landscapers.

Landscape contractors do need to begin to market and plan their Christmas light installation service early in the summer. They should start with the existing clients that they have. For example, a landscape contractor could have a basic brochure printed and pass it out to every customer. With the brochure could be a coupon for a percentage off for existing clients who sign-up to have their Christmas lights installed before September 15th.

Not only should the marketing be done early, everything involved with the Christmas light installation business should be done as soon as possible This includes retaining or even hiring employees and ordering materials such as Christmas lights and decorations. Most Christmas light distributors raise their prices as the holidays get closer. So landscape contractors can save themselves a lot of money by ordering their lights and materials early.

Landscaping and installing Christmas lights really do fit together very well. They are both jobs that involve outdoor work yet they need to be done at different times of the year. Most importantly, many of the same people who hire landscapers are also interested in hiring someone to install their Christmas lights. So, any landscape contractors that decide to install Christmas lights will find that the transition is very smooth as well as profitable.

There are many benefits to being a landscape contractor. However, there is a major drawback too. That drawback is the fact that during the winter months there is usually no work to be done and most companies are forced to lay of most of their employees. That's why the perfect business for landscape contractors is installing Christmas lights. Landscape contractors just have to make sure they start planning the business in the early on and that all the plans are done by late September. Then the landscaper can begin to install lights sometime around Halloween. This will allow the landscape contractor to make a lot of money during the winter time.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

High Blood Pressure Reduction Solutions – Is Diet, Exercise and Weight Loss Enough?

Do you have high blood pressure or doctor diagnosed hypertension? If you do I want to share with you my unique discovery about lowering blood pressure naturally with out the use of hypertension medication. Both you know and know that the true cause of high blood pressure is not known; it is quite obvious that that both the medical and pharmaceutical companies know how to treat the symptoms through a prescription for medication.

Next most "natural" solutions to controlling, reducing or eliminating this condition involve lifestyle changes. This include but would not be limited to diet and exercise. The benefits to good eating habits and exercise are numerous. Obviously one of the by products is weight loss. Well really what I mean is fat loss because it is the fat you truly want lose.

The exercise forces the heart to beat less but with more strength and the good diet prevents plaque build up along the arteries. Exercise may also help with building muscle and that in itself will help to burn off excess fat. So between diet and exercise you lose fat, build muscle and have more energy. What if your blood pressure is still too high? What do you do now?

Take a deep breath and relax. What ever you do keep your cool things will work out.

I went through this period of frustration and finally discovered that my high blood pressure was in part to do with my internalization of stress. For example, many years ago when I was in high school my father was diagnosed with colon cancer. I thought I had things under control until I got very sick a day or two later. Fortunate for us he survived it was able to live for another twenty five years.

My point here is that you may be holding your stress in your body with out knowing it and it shows up as high blood pressure. Yes you may think this is little bit "out there" but take a quick look at your surrounding environment. Are you happy with where you are? Are you happy in your work or relationships?

So you might be losing weight, feeling energetic and strong. This is a good start. Your next step is to clarify your thoughts and feelings as they do have a strong influence on your blood pressure levels.

For example I know my blood pressure levels used to spike anytime I got angry. I discovered this by accident after going through a nasty e-mail exchange with a friend mine. I just happened to realize that I had lost my cool and after I fired that last e-mail back I took my blood pressure. It jumped from 120/82 to 165/ 93 in very short period of time.

My solution was and still is deep breathing exercises. It is simply amazing the drop in blood pressure I receive after going through 10 to 15 minutes of deep breathing relaxation exercises with music!

I do include some visualization with this breathing technique with music. This made the process more enjoyable. I simply pictured the heart pumping blood through open and wide arteries. It worked for me.

I use this little technique when I get into stressful situations and it helps me keep peace of mind.

All I do is breathe in for three and breathe out for three. When I do this I have a saying that I repeat to myself: "arteries open wide, blood moving freely". At the same time I picture my heart pumping blood to very wide and open blood vessels. It may be corny to you but it works for me. Give it a try. What do you to have to lose?

For More Information Click Here

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5 Keys for Getting Word of Mouth Traffic

One of the most powerful, high-converting forms of traffic that you can generate is via word-of-mouth. Think about it for a moment…
When you use traditional advertising, you're basically tooting your own horn. People tend to be a bit on the skeptical side with regards to your products or services. They put their defensive walls up. They think, "Well of course he'd say that – he's trying to sell me something!"
But now imagine that this same prospect receives your advertising message from a friend. Maybe the friend says, "Wow – you need to check out that new sports memorabilia store on 10th Avenue. You'll LOVE it!"
Will this prospect check it out? You bet! And that's because someone he knows and trusts made the recommendation.
You understand now why word of mouth marketing is so powerful – and why you'll want to make sure you put it to work for your business, too. Here's how:
1. Create something worth talking about. People won't talk about your business if it's not buzz worthy. So if it's not naturally buzz worthy (i.e., worth talking about), then need to create something for people to talk about.

• A publicity stunt. Kick start the viral effect by sending out press releases, using social media to spread the word and advertising it.
• A contest. A big, exciting contest with awesome prizes tends to create a buzz. But if you create a contest that includes a referral component (e.g., "get an extra chance to win by telling your friends"), then your contest becomes even more buzz worthy.
• Something controversial or even offensive. Be careful with this one, as doing it the wrong way can alienate your prospects. But do it right, and you'll draw then closer. For examples, just look at what partisan political commentators say on their radio shows and on their blogs.
• Something extremely unique, useful or entertaining. Here you can create a useful tool, report, video or other resource that your prospects are likely to pass around.
• An amazing deal. Create coupon codes to offer a "once in a lifetime" deal – then watch your prospects share these codes with their friends!
2. Make it easy to share. In other words, don't create hoops.
Example: If you've created a viral video, then put it on YouTube.com so that people can access it and share it easily.
3. Give an incentive to encourage sharing. If you create something share-worthy (like a humorous video), people will naturally share it. But if you give people an incentive to share it, you'll get even better results.
Example: The online bank ING often runs a referral promotion. The person who gets the referral receives $25 if they open a new bank account. But the person who provides the referral also gets an incentive if his friend joins: Namely, he too gets $25 deposited into his account.
4. Provide a call to action. Whether you're incentivizing your word of mouth campaign or not, you still need to provide a call to action. This is where you specifically tell your prospects and customers to share your marketing message.
• "Tell your friends about our new line of products and you'll receive 5% off your next purchase every time one of your referrals becomes a paying customer!"
• "Give your Facebook friends a laugh – click here now to share this video!"
5. Offer tools to make sharing easy. Finally, you can offer tools to make it easy for your customers and prospects to tell their friends. Examples of tools include:
• Business cards, flyers or paper coupons that people can distribute.
• Social bookmarking buttons.
• "Tell a friend" forms.
• Facebook and other social media widgets (so people can share with one click).
And there you have it: Five keys to unleashing the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Do I have Rosacea – How do I know for sure?


The trickiest part regarding this persistent disease is to identify that either the patient is affected by Rosacea or not. At the beginning of this skin disorder the affected areas start getting red and most of the people neglecting this change by assuming it sunburn. So, it is quite necessary to examine your skin closely in mirror if you find your face is getting red. At the beginning of this disease it feels like itchy but with time and if you neglect this change the germs start flourishing in your blood and it can be very dangerous for your health.

Therefore, to give you people proper awareness regarding this persistent ailment below some vital techniques are given that can help you to identify the symptoms of Rosacea. Firstly, you can easily identify the person affecting by Rosacea by watching the redness on his face. Reddens on the skin is the initial stage of Rosacea and if you want to know that either you or any of your relative is affected by this troublesome disease follow the steps.

·        Do not ignore the reddishness around your nose, cheeks, mouth and forehead.

·        If you see small broken blood vessels this is the indication of Rosacea so do not neglect it.

·        Watery Eyes may also result in this skin condition so take proper precautionary measures.

·        Itching and dryness in eyes.

·        Thick skin around your face especially on forehead indicates that you are under the influence of Rosacea.

So, by reading above given conditions you might noticed that this disease usually attacks on the face of the human body. But, in case of ignorance and carelessness the germs can ravel towards the ears, neck and head of human body. If you have noticed such symptoms I will suggest you to keep your face clean, apply proper moisturizers, avoid fatty food and hot drinks like alcohols etc. These edibles play a crucial role to trigger the germs of Rosacea in your whole body.

Once you have diagnosed such factors on your skin try to avoid sun and any kind of heat exposure, avoid spicy and fatty food, and try to consume fresh and cold water with fruits and vegetables enriched with nutrients and vitamins. Such steps can help a lot to control this disease right after the identification.

More Information For Cure Rosacea  Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How Affiliate Marketing Can Enable You To Work From Home

Make Money OnlineMost if us are incredibly comfortable in our own homes. It is where all of our comforts are kept. Part of the daily grind of a job is having to leave the home. The task is much more difficult if you have children to consider. Many of us would love to be able to work from home. We are more comfortable and can be much more productive. However, very few regular jobs offer this type of flexibility. They want employees on site where they can be watched and monitored.

If you would like to make a living working from home, the affiliate marketing business could be the answer. If you have a computer, with internet access there is no reason your home office cannot become your new home business.

Affiliate marketing means that you work on behalf of another company. You helping to expand a company that already exists. This provides you with several advantages. First, your marketing brands or products that are already on the market. You don't have to create new product and present it to the public. If the brands are fairly well known then attracting customers should not be too difficult. It is much easier to sell something that has an established reputation that break in with something new.

Second. The advertising of the product will already be taken care of. The main corporation will have some suggestions and equipment available to help advertise the product or product line. This can include pamphlets, catalogues or posters. They will also make samples available at no cost to you. This minimizes your investment so the risk is nothing. You just need to concentrate on selling the product and maximizing your earnings.

Third, Affiliate marketing can be done in the comfort of your own home. As long as you have adequate storage space for company product there is no reason you cannot set up shop in the comfort of your own home. You can put as much or as little into the venture as you like. You paid according to how well you perform. If you have an off month, it is reflected in your commission. You don't have to worry about a boss coming down on you. How much you do is entirely up to you.

Finally, running this business venture from you home presents very little risk for you. You have the perfect location and you don't need to invest any of your own money. Your also not subject to work are sales targets to break even. What you produce is what you are paid for.

Running an affiliate marketing business is hard work. You'll want to make the most of your skills and talents and that means working some very long days. Don't be fooled by affiliate marketing companies that promise the world for very little effort. You'll have to work very hard promoting the products that you decide to sell. However, if you are willing to work hard and use all of your abilities, there is no reason why your affiliate marketing home business cannot be a huge success.

If you want to work from home then an affiliate marketing scheme is the perfect way. With minimal risk to you, you will be able to employ you skills to your own benefit. You'll have to work very hard but there is everything to gain and very little to loose.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Wu Long Tea (oolong tea): Does it really help you lose weight?

You've probably seen the advertisements:

"Drink wu long tea and lose a jeans size every 7 days!"…

"Burn 20 lbs of fat in 30 days with wu long tea!" …

Maybe you even watched Oprah a few years ago when Dr. Perricone said that switching your coffee for green tea would help you take off the pounds.

You may have also read or watched countless news stories which say how healthy it is to drink green tea.

The odds are good that if you're interested in improving your health and losing fat, you probably either drink tea, take a green tea supplement or you've at least thought about it. Success Story!

But what if I told you that most of the fat reducing claims for green tea were absolute, total BS, based on misinterpretation or deliberate misreporting of the research?

Unfortunately, it's true. If you've bought green tea based on the claim that it causes large reductions in body fat, then you have been scammed.

Here are the facts:

Green tea DOES stimulate your metabolism.

However, the research is very unclear about what kind of impact this small, short term increase in metabolism will have on your bodyweight in the long term.

In the most often quoted study (Dulloo, 1999), A swiss research team found that 270 mg of green tea extract 3X a day increased metabolic rate by the equivalent of about 79 calories on average and increased the oxidation of fat as the fuel source.

If you do the math, it appears that 79 kcal a day would add up to an extra pound of fat lost every 44 days. Not much, but you'll take it, right? Hypothetically, that would add up to an extra 8 pounds lost per year.

What advertisements quoting this study don't tell you is that this and other similar studies did not even measure long term change in body fat percentage or bodyweight. They only measured a 24- hour increase in energy expenditure.

One study which is used as marketing ammunition to claim that wu long tea burns 2.5 times more fat than green tea was based only on a 120-minute increase in energy expenditure! (reminds me of that Mark Twain quote: "There are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics.")

Numerous follow up studies have confirmed the short term increase in metabolism, but the studies are mixed on whether green tea improves weight reduction or maintenance in the long term.<<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>

The research IS compelling, but not conclusive.

As for ad claims that say you'll lose a lot of weight just from drinking green tea… absolute BS! Hopefully the Federal Trade Commission will catch up with these scammers sooner rather than later, as the marketing messages on the Internet are getting louder and bolder every day.

As for health benefits – green tea is certainly a champ. It's high in antioxidants and there are more than 2,000 research citations about potential health benefits of green tea (not to mention a 5,000 year history of use in China and the far east).

Even if you're a skeptic, green tea is hard not to like and it's hard to dispute that it's a good idea to add green tea to your nutrition program as one part of a well-balanced fitness lifestyle.

But when it comes to claims for large and rapid losses in bodyweight and bodyfat, (especially the wu long tea ads that are currently all over the internet), buyer beware.

The science we do have says that the thermogenic effect of green tea – while very real – is also very small.

Train hard and expect success always,

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

What Not To Eat for Acid Reflux

Perhaps you have been taking far too many antacids these days and you are wondering if there is possibly an alternative to popping the fat little white pills to solve your heartburn problem. Indeed, there is a much more sensible solution to acid reflux/heartburn, and it all starts with what you eat.

People are not born with acid reflux; this condition occurs as a result of lifestyle choices including – diet, exercise, and stress levels. So, it does stand to reason that if diet is one of the causes of acid reflux, then it is more than likely that choosing your foods wisely can also alleviate it as well.

In order to reduce or eliminate acid reflux you are going to want to stay clear of fatty and acidic foods in general, as these tend to increase acid secretion for digestion. For example, you'll want to steer clear of all citrus fruits (and juices) like oranges, lemons, and tomatoes.

In addition, you will want to avoid high fat steaks (where the meat has a marbled appearance), butter, pasta, sour cream, ice cream, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings – I think you can see where we are going here. As well, you will need to avoid coffee (decaffeinated or regular), all forms of alcohol (except in very small doses), and all forms of tea. Coffee in particular has been shown to increase activity in the esophagus, with studies showing that it is not caffeine in particular that causes it, but other ingredients found in the beans (no matter which way they are roasted), can be a strong contributor.

Don't fall victim to the old wives tale of milk calming the stomach down after a big meal. While it may help you in the short term for a bit, over the long haul it is going to cause more damage by causing reflux while you are sleeping.

The list of foods that will reduce the occurrence of acid reflux, are not surprisingly, reflective of every nutritionist's guide to sensible eating. Suggestions being; apples, bananas, baked potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, fish, eggs (whites only), goat or feta cheese (you want to avoid all other cheeses), rice cakes, and whole wheat bread.

At the end of the day, what you should be aiming for is to reduce an overabundance of acid secretion, steering clear of foods that require more enzymes to aid in digestion.

Food intake is not about what you eat, however, you will also want to change your eating style or habits as well, as this also contributes to either a regular amount of acid secretion, or an abundance of it, which will result in acid reflux. Eating little but often every two-three hours, rather than purging on big meals is the ideal. Eating a lot of food at one time is tough on your digestion system, so it overcompensates by secreting more acid in an attempt to funnel the food through your body.

I realize it can seem a little restrictive at first making changes to your diet. However you can either continue to make unwise diet choices like steak, potato chips, alcohol and coffee and chug antacids to counteract the acid reflux, or you can change your lifestyle just a bit and reduce the occurrence of heartburn, and likely feel a whole lot better overall.

Once you have your acid reflux symptoms under control you will likely find you can reintroduce some items back into your diet, only in moderation, without experiencing any painful side effects. Keeping a food diary and your reaction to what you consume should give you an idea of which foods are the worst triggers for you.

For More Information Click Here

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Weight Loss and Muscle Building – Marketing the Impossible


The fitness and nutrition industry are in the business of selling you a solution to one of two problems:

1) Weight Loss

2) Gaining Muscles

Things like 'health' and 'fitness' are just side effects of looking better. In reality nobody would buy a fitness program if it made you healthier but at the same time made you fatter and weaker.

So when it comes to fitness and nutrition marketing it's all about the look. And this is where the marketers use impossibility to sell you a never ending list of items.

Muscle Building – Selling the Impossible Size

When it comes to muscle building, marketers show you models that are using steroids and tell you that you can look the same if you buy their special product. The part they leave out is that you can never achieve the look that the model has without steroids. You as the consumer are assuming that you're not being lied to and try their product hoping for the results they promise. When you don't see the results you end up blaming yourself for not working hard enough or not using enough products to get there. The answer then becomes a new product, or a stack of new products, or a more complicated workout, or a more complicated nutrition program.

At no point does the thought go through your mind that perhaps the look of the model is only attainable with drugs and that no amount of supplements you buy and take will get you there.

In other words, they sell you the promise of an IMPOSSIBLE look. And some gullible people will spend thousands of dollars chasing this ideal and never get there.

Weight Loss – Telling you it's impossible when it really is possible.

On the weight loss side of things they tell you that weight loss is IMPOSSIBLE without their product. This of course is a bold faced lie as weight loss is completely possible without any special products at all (as it is simply a matter of less calories in than calories out).

They will show you before and after pictures of people who have had good success dropping body weight and tell you that the only way this is possible is with their special supplement/diet/workout.Perfect Body Measurements

Dieting isn't easy (even though it is simple) and because it is so hard it's easy for marketers to sell you an excuse of why you're having so much trouble with it and why their solution is the thing that you've been missing all along.

The reality is that dropping weight is simple and doesn't require any special products and is very possible.

So it is a story of impossibility for fitness marketing on both sides and as long as you believe them you'll always be susceptible to the next scam. Just think of all the diets than have come and gone in the past 10-20 years. How could all of them be so different? The answer is they can't. They all have the same fundamental truth, and that is less calories.

Go through any supplement store and look at all the different muscle building supplements there are. Now think to yourself if they all worked why are there new products every year promising the 'secret' to muscle building? The unfortunate answer is that most of them don't help you to build muscle at all, and especially the amount of muscle they show you in their ads.

As soon as you realize and accept what is truly possible for muscle building and weight loss the answers become clear and simple. Once you see how simple both muscle building and weight loss can be, you can then put your effort in the gym and your money towards only the things that work, and stop wasting time and money and heartache on the things that don't.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

The Basics of Tinnitus


Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing noise that plays in a sufferer's head most of the time. While it may not be classified as a serious condition, it is a persistent problem that can lead to depression and insomnia. To varying degrees, over 25 million people suffer from this condition. It's important to understand that this is not a life threatening condition, but it is a sign of some underlying cause so it is important to get a check up with a doctor to make sure that there isn't a serious medical issue.

Tinnitus can come in a few different forms and each person's tinnitus is unique. The most common for is sinus tinnitus due to sinus problems. Some of the major causes of tinnitus are natural hearing loss, prolonged exposure to loud noises, medications, or undiagnosed health problems. Sometimes tinnitus is also caused by a buildup of earwax which increases pressure in the ear. This pressure makes the normal background noise in your head more noticeable or already existing tinnitus more prominent. There are also some medical conditions such as otosclerosis (and abnormal bone growth in the ear) that can cause tinnitus.

There are several ways to manage tinnitus. The first is to visit your doctor to see if the tinnitus is caused by some medical condition such as earwax buildup or an ear infection. They can also see if any medications you are taking have tinnitus as a side effect. You may be refered to an ear, nose, and throat specialist to look into your condition. You may even visit a specialized tinnitus clinic. Since there is a link between tinnitus and hearing loss, it's important to get your hearing tested regularly. Some sufferers find immediate relief by getting a hearing aid. It may take awhile to get used to wearing a hearing aid. The initial annoyance should go away though and the tinnitus will fade into the background.

Therapy is also an option for managing tinnitus. It allows you to talk to someone about your condition, making you feel more empowered and less of a victim. Therapy doesn't always work for everyone as some people find it hard to open up to a stranger. For these individuals there is always self help options. Reading about tinnitus and finding out everything you can about the condition can help you better understand what you are suffering from. You can also join online tinnitus forums, join a local tinnitus support group, or find ways to relax and remove stress from your life. Meditating and listening to soothing music also helps to distract from tinnitus. There is a wide variety of options so anyone can find something that relaxes them.

So far there is no cure-all for tinnitus. By taking the proper steps, you can learn to manage your condition though. Over time, many sufferers will actually learn to ignore their tinnitus so they forget it is even there.

One of the newer (and more effective) solutions for tinnitus that has come to surface is called Goodbye Tinnitus. This program is completely accessed online. It includes an easy to read ebook that explains everything there is to know about tinnitus. Not only are the necessary basics covered, but also all the known (an not so well known) treatment options available. The main solution discussed in this ebook is a unique 4-step treatment plan. This specific plan addresses tinnitus at its core, and from every aspect, making relief much easier to achieve compared to the typical solutions found elsewhere. Also included are dozens of tinnitus maskers, ranging from specialized noise frequencies, nature sounds, and man made sounds. From our research, Goodbye Tinnitus seems to be the most effective solution available. No other solution fights tinnitus in such a complex, yet simple and effective manner.

More Information To Tinnitus Relief Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to Get an Above Average Body?


The only way to know if you are above average is to find out what the average is. Like it or not you get judged like this throughout your entire life starting at school and going right up to your performance at work. Even if you own your own business your customers are going to judge if you provide an above average product or service.

The point is that we live in a relative world. The only way to know if you're doing well is to compare yourself to everyone else. This becomes very apparent when you compare your body to other people. Do you have above average muscle, or strength? Is your percent body fat above or below average?

To answers these questions you need to know what the average is for each of these things.

You probably don't think about yourself this way very often, and as most people do you probably think of yourself as one of a kind. And you're right to some degree. Of course nobody else has lived your exact life with the same things happen to them. But on the other hand the look and shape of your body can be categorized and compared to everyone else. And most people are very similar. Most people are close to the average.

To stand out from the crowd you need to be different, you need to be above average.

If average people don't workout with weights then you need to workout with weights to have above average muscle size. If average people eat an average diet they end up with an average amount of bodyfat. If you want to lower your bodyfat percentage you have to eat slightly less calories than average people do and do more exercise.

The path to becoming exceptional isn't that complicated. Just look around you at what everyone else is doing and do something different. There is slightly more planning that needs to go into it, but it's not much.

If I were to sum it up into the simplest sentence it would be this:

Exercise more and eat less than the average person.

You might be thinking that there is also an average look of people that workout and you want to be even better than that look. If this is how you feel, then you might also want to have an above average workout and nutrition program.Perfect Body Measurements

No matter how far you want to take your body and conditioning there is always a way to get there. You just have to look at what the people who aren't average are doing.

The people who are the biggest and strongest typically do more work at the gym and lift heavier weights more often than everyone else. The people who are very lean and have defined muscles typically pay more attention to their diet and eat less calories than everyone else.

This might sound simplistic but it's the truth. It actually isn't that complicated at all. That doesn't mean it's easy, that just means it's simple. There is a big difference between easy and simple. Things that are simple aren't always easy. Building muscle and weight loss are two things that are simple, but not easy.

The diet and fitness industry however try to tell you that they are much more complicated which allows them to sell you complicated diet and workout programs.

To make a real change in your body the first steps are very simple. For weight loss just start eating less food, it doesn't matter what the food is, it just matters that you eat less of it. For muscle building you have to lift heavier weights more often. The sets and reps don't really matter, it just has to be more often than you're currently doing and heavier. This is all you need to see big time changes.

Effective dieting and exercising isn't complicated, the simpler the plan the easier it is to stick to and the faster the results will come.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat