Joe the Plumber explains how he and his team use their online access to a reverse phone directory: "Once we leave the shop in the morning, going out to clean drains and fix pipes, we don't want to go back. We're all over the city, all over the county, sometimes all over the greater tri-state area. But our dispatch girl keeps us right on top of what's happening. "A customer calls-in, see, says she has an exploding toilet and needs help asap. Our girl gets her name and our caller id gets her number. Then, Miss Dispatch checks the reverse directory for the exact street address, making sure we got it exactly right, ya know? From there, our little sweetie gets us turn-by-turn driving directions from one job site to the next—no muss, no fuss, no bother. And we got our little housewife's toilet all fixed-up and cleaned-up in no time flat. "Best of all, when we finish a job, we can send a little note to the customer, sayin', 'Hey, thanks for usin' our service, and we usually send 'em a coupon for the next time."
बुधवार, 4 अप्रैल 2012
Drain cleaning service
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