शुक्रवार, 20 अप्रैल 2012

The Three Things You Need to Know About Zoo World

I didn't think that I'd ever say this – but it looks like we have a real competitor for Farmville. Well, maybe not quite yet, but if the quick growth and popularity of Zoo World is any indication, you can bet that this game is about to get a whole lot bigger as it continues to draw a huge chunk of users in. That said, there are a lot of people out there who want to know what they are supposed to be doing in Zoo World. Here is what Think is most important:
1. Breeding
Breeding is the way to get things done. You can make Wildlife Points, trade the bred animals, and level up by doing it. You pretty much get everything done, and while it's super expensive to breed, it's also a lot of fun because of the ways you can create all sorts of cute little animals.
2. Your Friends
Friends are key. No surprise there – this is a Facebok game after all. However, if you're really serious about building up a solid following on Facebook in Zoo World, you'll need to develop a means of creating a following. Visit their zoos, trade with them, and help them out when they need it.
3. That Report Card Score
You need a high report card grade to get anything done in this game. That means hiring people, buying buildings, upgrading your animals, training them, and pretty much everything else. It's a juggling act, but it's a fun one.
Zoo World Secrets was released just a few days back and I can say that Sanders has quite a few good secrets up his sleeve, with plenty of coverage on these three topics and much more. If you're a recent convert to the Zoo World cult, check out what Zoo World Secrets has to offer and see if it can't help you master those dozens of animals.

For More Information Click Here

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